Polimer Elastomer Diaphragm Filter Press
  • Polimer Elastomer Diaphragm Filter Press Polimer Elastomer Diaphragm Filter Press

Polimer Elastomer Diaphragm Filter Press

Diaphragm filter press is a kind of filter press installed between the filter plate and the filter cloth with diaphragm equipment, as an important feature of the filter press accessories, its diaphragm due to the model, type of its diaphragm accessories material is also different, rubber diaphragm and polymer diaphragm Generally speaking, from the general category, diaphragm filter press diaphragm classification mainly includes polymer elastomer diaphragm and rubber diaphragm, which is the product of the current development in the past ten years, in the past materials are also different, as a rubber diaphragm, Rubber we all know its properties, in different types of rubber for different substances have different characteristics, usually rubber diaphragm filter press rubber diaphragm is mainly for weak alkali and weak acid filter materials will be more used, but can not be used for organic solvent filter materials, rubber diaphragm in the previous old machine on the split fixed saving energy consumption after the lack of problems, in the current latest product design rubber diaphragm eardrum more sufficient, in the same air volume and air source working conditions environment, The rubber diaphragm tympanic membrane is three times that of the polymer diaphragm tympanic membrane, which plays a lot of role in reducing the energy consumption of the entire machine. And another kind of polymer diaphragm in the industry full name polymer elastomer diaphragm, and the use of the diaphragm filter press is polymer elastomer diaphragm filter press, in general, most of the strong alkali and organic solvent filter material process used more, and the performance is more ideal, and the service life is also considerable, in accordance with different customers need to press components can be configured food grade and ordinary grade, in many equipment have PLC human-computer interface to operate, For ordinary materials, the diaphragm eardrum can fully play the role of pressing and dehydration in about 3-15 minutes, which can be described as twice the result with half the effort. From the perspective of the use of diaphragm filter press, we can see that the diaphragm filter press equipment has achieved a filtration public welfare of efficient dehydration compared with the same type of ordinary equipment, and can also guarantee its own filtration effect to a certain extent, greatly reducing the water content probability of its filter cake, reducing the moisture content of the filter cake while also reducing environmental pollution and reducing the surrounding labor and cost expenditure, saving certain expenses for the enterprise unit.

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Aplikasi Polymer Elastomer Diaphragm Filter Press ing industri tanah jarang:

Kanthi pangembangan industri langka bumi kanthi cepet, sumber daya bumi langka China sugih banget, cadangan akun kanggo pisanan ing donya, kanggo iki ing taun anyar pembangunan akeh Enterprises bumi langka gedhe, medium lan cilik, supaya luwih nggunakake nyoto saka sumber daya bumi langka lan extraction saka macem-macem unsur, akeh Enterprises ing peralatan industri modifikasi terus-terusan, panggantos, ngurangi konsumsi energi, bahan mentahan bumi langka luwih nggunakake unsur extraction, produksi produk liyane langka bumi.
Ing taun anyar, perusahaan kita sawise R & D lan aplikasi praktis saka manufaktur, terus-terusan dandan lan modifikasi saka kualitas teknologi peralatan, spesialisasine ing Pabrik Polymer Elastomer Diaphragm Filter Press kanggo misahake ngalangi-Cairan ing industri bumi langka, ngganti pemisahan padat-cair centrifuge asli, ngurangi konsumsi energi, isi banyu kurang saka jajan Filter, ngurangi biaya perusahaan, nambah keuntungan perusahaan, lan wis digunakake digunakake ing industri bumi langka, uga ditampa dening mayoritas kedhaftar.

Pisanan, kinerja teknis lan karakteristik Polymer Elastomer Diaphragm Filter Press:

a) Polymer Elastomer Diaphragm Filter Desain struktur Press punika ilmiah lan cukup, karo kekuatan mechanical dhuwur, struktur stabil, awet, gampang kanggo operate lan njaga. (a) Girder digawe saka baja jembatan sing berkualitas tinggi: piring baja 10m disegel ing sisih loro kanggo nggawe mekanisme luwih stabil lan tahan lama; (b) piring meksa tetep, piring meksa movable lan krenjang lenga sing gandheng karo 9345 piring baja, lan tempered lan perawatan deteksi cacat kanggo ngilangke ewah-ewahan bentuk termal, lan Integrasi dening pagawean Processing, karo kekuatan sakabèhé gedhe lan ora deformasi; (c) Mekanisme mencet nganggo cara meksa hidrolik kanggo mlaku kanthi lancar lan nduweni daya tekan sing gedhe, sing bisa mesthekake yen sawise piring sumber ditekan, ora ana fenomena nyemprotake ing panyegelan piring saringan nalika 0.4-0.8MP a liwat. sumber. Tekanan tekanan bisa nganti 1.6Mpao
b) Polymer Elastomer Diaphragm Filter Press plate kasusun saka piring inti lan piring membran, materi beda, piring inti digawe saka polytianene dipunéwahi lan serat kaca alkali-free, piring membran digawe saka bahan polimer TPE, piring inti lan piring membran komposit dening mesin welding plastik khusus sawise leleh suhu dhuwur lan meksa mbentuk, karo kelenturan apik, kinerja sealing apik, ora bocor, kekuatan dhuwur lan karakteristik liyane. Kinerja sealing antarane piring Filter luwih apik, lan sawise filtrasi, isi Kelembapan saka ngalangi wis suda dening bab 5 ~ 10%, gumantung ing karakteristik saka materi. Umur diafragma luwih saka setahun.

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